Every since the financial institutions started using the electronic payment systems the business World has changed. Most popular has been the ATM card. This can be debit or credit as well. This is used for with drawing money from automatic teller machine. The machines are a virtual banking systems with ability to produce balance receipt as well.
These are plastic laminated with your signature at the back and a unique number called personal identification number or pin. The versatility of ATM cards have increased with many types om authenticating systems in place.In case of all cards the electronic verification systems verifies the authenticity in seconds for processing.
The credit card was conceptualize from a novel it is a follower of many merchant credit schemes. This is issued mostly by the banks. It has a revolving account with a credit limit as per the assessment of borrower. These are not universal and merchants always advertise the institutions from whom the cards are acceptable. The debit card provides electronic access to the holders bank account. It is also used in ATM machines. It is also possible to use it for merchant banking like paying bills at stores and restaurants. They can be used for making purchases on the cyber space. There are also available virtual cards for making Internet payments with no physical attributes at all.
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